MediSecure & SafeScript

With the recent announcement by the Victorian Government Department of Health & Human Services, MediSecure is pleased to be a partner in the development and ongoing support of the data feed component of Safe Script, the Real-time Prescription Monitoring (RTPM) system for the state.

The Victorian Government has announced the system will leverage Prescription Exchange Services to obtain prescription data for the system and as such MediSecure will be one of these Prescription Exchange Services, as part of a Joint Venture with FRED IT Group.

In a media release on 19 October 2017 it was stated that, following appropriate transition arrangements, “it will be mandatory for prescribers and pharmacists to check the system before writing or dispensing a prescription for a high risk medicine, with some exceptions in certain circumstances” (reference).

Connectivity to a Prescription Exchange Service is important to ensure that the SafeScript system captures all the important prescription information to inform clinical decision making for high-risk medicines.  Clinicians who have connected to a Prescription Exchange Service will also be able to access the SafeScript system with less interruption to clinical workflow.

If you don’t have MediSecure connected at your clinic or pharmacy, contact us directly or complete the Registration of Interest form.

e: | p: 1800 47 27 47

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